Blu-Ray Review: Halloween 3 Season of the Witch
It’s not a secret that I absolutely love Halloween 3. Yes I’m aware that it has nothing to do with Michael Myers and...
Review: John Carpenter’s The Ward
Anyone who knows me knows that I have been a fan of John Carpenter since I was a child. I knew at a...
Michael Myers goes to Psychotherapy
Over the weekend Brian & Trisha from – came to town and with the help of my Sister and her fiancee we shot...
So long Halloween 2010…
Janet: “Julie saw him you know.” Bud:”Who?” Janet: “Michael Myers. I swear yesterday when she was coming to work. At the shop n...
Halloween 3 Season of the Witch
After the success of 2 Halloween films starring Michael Myers John Carpenter grew tired of retreading the same story. So He and producer...
The Night HE Came Home…
I am quite the fan of John Carpenter’s Halloween, however probably not as much as some. This past summer I got a sneak...