Ok so The remake is on its way and the previews look promising. The movie looks like its going the way of taking it seriously with decent young actors and good direction. I grew up on Jason movies and for some reason He was always my favorite as a kid. Even more so than Freddy or Michael Myers, Jason seemed to resonate with me. It might have been the mask or the fear I had watching him hack up campers. In fact Friday the 13th was one of the first Horror films I have a memory of watching on cable, with my mom of all people, when i was still in day care! Now you know why this kind of work is where I ended up!
Somehow I doubt that this time around we’ll see Jason starring in 9 sequels. I don’t see the concept of milking a slasher character for multiple sequels lasting beyond 1 or 2 today. I think the Saw movies are probably just about to ruin that for everyone this year. However I’m excited about seeing some old school horror next week! Horror seems to be on a role this year and I just hope it keeps up!