Its been officially announced finally that Rob Zombie’s Great American Nightmare Haunted Attraction is spreading its evil!  This Year its coming to Scottsdale Arizona where Rob Zombie Himself will be playing September 19th to open the ghoulish festivities!  This time around the Haunt has an All new Attraction based on The Devils Rejects as well as a new Original 3D attraction based around Captain Spaulding called Captain Spaulding’s Clown School in 3D! I’ve been creating stuff for the new attraction for the last few months and now we’re finally able to to start slowly revealing it. Above you’ll see the poster I made for Rob’s concert which Rob has been posting on his social media and website the last couple days!  and I have some cool video stuff in the pipeline when the time comes. I’ve been privy to what the new attractions will be and how they’re being designed and I dare say this may be a far cooler haunt than even the first one in California last year! Its going to be amazing!  Visit for the details and stay tuned for more.