My ears are still ringing from 4 days of way too much music, loud scares and prop sounds and my voice is about shot from trying to yell over all of it. But I made it back home from the 2011 Transworld Trade show safe and sound. As I expected I’ve managed to book up our whole season at the show and its very doubtful I’ll be able to take any new jobs this week. The show was a lot of fun, it was great seeing so many familiar faces and some new ones I hadn’t met yet. The show itself seemed like the largest Its ever been since moving to St. Louis. There were a lot of new companies making their debuts and showing off some new products. Lots of older companies that brought in some great new stuff as well! My good friends at Beyond The Grave Productions have a whole new line of zombies and props that are simply the best they’ve created to date and highly recommended. I’ll be posting more information about it this week. Ok I got to get some sleep and I have a lot of work to do! Check back this week as I add more updates regarding Transworld.
Transworld 2011